Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I especially like the little clip from Jonah that we get in today's liturgy. Notice that it says that Jonah "went a single day's journey preaching... when the people of Nineveh believed God."
They skipped right over the prophet, as if they didn't even hear him preach. It was God they believed.
St. Paul would say, "It is not ourselves we preach, but Jesus Christ and him crucified." "Who am I?" he asked, "Only a worker through whom you came to believe."

1 comment:

Amy Parris said...

This reminds a bit of my favorite prayer that the Missionaries of Charity pray every day right after mass. The prayer is called "Radiating Jesus" and I still say it after every mass I attend.

Your entry brings to mind my favorite lines of that prayer:
Let us preach you without preaching. Not by words, but by our actions. By the catching force. The sympathetic evidence of what we do. The evident fullness of the love our hearts bear to you.