Monday, January 02, 2006


For a few years now, I have shied away from making New Year's Resolutions. I have so many "things to do" anyway, so many commitments, and my concept of resolutions tended only to burden me even more. (It must be my obsessive-compulsive side.) So I made a resolution: no more resolutions! But this year, I feel the need to make one or two moves in that direction. Because by not burdening myself with resolutions to, say, be more organized... I ended up doubly burdened by the massive pile of things to do. Since I had no set discipline for my way of addressing these things, everything became a demand on my time and attention: right now! So I am formulating a resolution, after a long absence from the practice, to come up with some sort of discipline for my time that will take my "things to do" list and keep it from dominating my mind.
Do you make New Year's resolutions? What kind?


Anonymous said...

I am a bit obsessive about keeping my word. That is, I get upset when I don't do what I say I'm going to do. So I don't make a New Year's resolution, because I'm not sure I'm actually going to keep that resolution. Currently, I live life without a plan, clearly lacking a key habit of highly successful people.

Psychologically, too, a new year doesn't mean a whole lot to me ... just a change in numbers. I usually forget my birthday, and I usually have to calculate my age. Hard to consider resolutions when I'm just living day to day.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't really thought about new years resolutions! Just the other day, someone asked me what my new years resolution was, and all of a suddan I just said, "to make a resolution is my new year resolution!"