Thursday, December 22, 2005

random thoughts

I think I fixed whatever was weird with the concert video clip. Please try just clicking on the link and see if it works. Let me know if it doesn't. It works for me! (My computer is afraid of me, so it tends to behave in my presence.) (Most of the time.)
Here's a random reflection. I was wondering just why our culture pays attention to the political opinions of celebrities who are known for their looks or acting or singing, but have no background at all on economics or whatever. And I am thinking that perhaps it is a form of projection. I mean, we don't know these people at all, really, but we see them in roles, and probably project onto them whatever qualities we associate with their looks or persona.
Like I said, a random thought.
And a random memory. I was in first grade, and it was the first day of "big school." The teacher was calling role, and she mispronounced the last name of one of my little friends, who, of course, did not respond. Eventually, the teacher figured out who the child was, and rather insisted with her about her last name, judging from the spelling. (No, it was not one of our region's marvelous French names--that would have been easy! It was German.) And my friend began to cry. I was sitting there, peeved at the teacher, thinking "It's her last name, you should accept her way of pronouncing it!"
And a random meditation. Today's Gospel is the Magnificat. (Magnificent!) "The Almighty has done great things for me!" We may not know exactly what those things are, but it is always appropriate for us to pray these words of Mary.

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