Sunday, November 13, 2005

Flu vaccine concerns

Today's Tribune features a column by their medical writer, Julie Deardoff, which touched on the recommendations for flu vaccines for small children. The flu vaccine is still being made with thimerosal, which is a mercury-based preservative. Mercury is a neurotoxin. Parents of autistic kids have a reason for suspecting that childhood vaccines, which up until recently almost all contained thimerosal, caused brain damage in their children. (There are way more vaccinations for kids now than when I was a kid, so the mercury exposure was magnified.) Anyway, I'm just giving a heads-up to any interested parties out there that even though thimerosal has been eliminated from most single-dose vaccines (not the multi-dose ones that we have been sending to places like China, where the first diagnoses of autism coincided with the arrival of those vaccines), the flu vaccine being administered this year does contain it.
Illinois just passed the "Mercury Free Vaccine Act," but it doesn't go into effect until January. When it does, it will be illegal for a vaccine to contain more than 1.25 micrograms per dose. Meanwhile, you might want to keep an eye open.

1 comment:

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

I've read about this too, and it really does seem there's some kind of link between the vaccines and autism.
Kids today get loads of vaccines before their immune system is well-developed. California in particular has had an explosion of autism and they have more vaccines.