Thursday, October 27, 2005


Late last night, our superior's gentle voice came over the intercom: "The White Sox have won the World Series."
Sorry, Astros fan(s). But doesn't a city with six months of winter (beginning now) deserve a little glory?


Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

Congratulations to all the White Sox fans! Three cheers!

seeking_something said...

Yeah, okay. Congrats to the White Sox. They certainly earned their title. Astros, your fans are proud of you--you were worthy opponents. You need not hang your heads as you cash those paychecks.

Sixtina87 said...

LOL, Srry seeking_something. I know you are abit upset but I almost bet the Sisters were praying hard for the White Soxs to win!!!!! Isnt that right Sr. Anne!?!?!?!?!?! LOL