Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My Sox Dilemma

Whom to cheer for? That is the question.
I live in Chicago, so I have to "root, root, root for the home team," but I also spent almost a dozen years in Boston, and that's the motherhouse' home team, so...
Whoever wins, I'm happy. They're all "Sox" to me, anyway.
I'm not a sports buff at all--until and unless said "home team" gets involved. Then I do have some interest. But not quite enough (yet) to undo the frustration I felt yesterday when I was 20 minutes late for a doctor's appointment, because the White Sox fans had filled the Red Line trains to a capacity that rivaled the public transportation in Rome. I had to wait for a second train, and then maneuver myself in while still securing an exit--for the stop right before the ballpark.


Anonymous said...

One solution: Cheer for the Cubs. :-)

Anonymous said...

I feel the dilemma. I am not as avid a baseball fan as once was, but I was considering the dilemma of which Sox to root for since one friend from high school played for Chicago and another for Boston ... Oh well, I am still doing my countdown to the start of the NBA pre-season ... five more days to go! That's MY sport...

Blessed first Friday,

Anonymous said...

heh heh, speaking of baseball traffic...
In Houston, Annunciation Catholic Church is located right next to the ball park--cross the street and you're there. I'm sure they have some very interesting situations when there is a game or some such function going on over there. Lakewood Church (non-denominational) has had some major services over at the ball park too.

no website for the parish, but here's a photo:

Annunciation photo