Monday, October 24, 2005


Living, as we do, in a Paulist parish, we get to hear Fr. Frank DeSiano talk often on the theme of evangelization, which he says is the scariest word in the Catholic vocabulary! Father Frank (and our own Sr. Helena) are part of the Archdiocesan Evangelization Committee, which is promoting a website with some evangelization-formation helps. If you are intimidated by the e-word, it might be a good idea to review some of the material they are making so easily available.


seeking_something said...

I just heard on the radio about this website Evangelization Station.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

I also go to a Paulist parish. Aside from crediting the Paulists with my return to the church, I also credit them with helping me get over my "e" word phobia.

When you get down to it, evangalization is what it's all about!