Thursday, September 01, 2005

you can help

Wondering how to help with hurricane relief? I sent in a suggestion to my superiors taht we invite people to sponsore copies of our children's book, "God is here... When bad things happen" when families begin to return to the New Orleans area and parishes reopen. But until that gets authorized, here are a few ideas for helping restore the infrastructure and meet the first basic human needs:
The U.S. bishops have asked that dioceses make a special collection for the hurricane victims to be distributed through Catholic Charities USA.

Catholic Charities USA has a Web site for relief aid.

Knights of Columbus members and the general public are asked to donate to a disaster relief fund administered by Knights of Columbus Charities. Donors in the United States should make checks payable to Knights of Columbus Charities USA and send them to:

Knights of Columbus Charities USA Inc.
Gift Processing Center
PO Box 9028
Pittsfield, MA 01202-9028
Attn: Hurricane Katrina Relief.

Donors in Canada should make checks payable to Knights of Columbus Canada Charities and send them to:

Knights of Columbus Canada Charities Inc.
Gift Processing Center
PO Box 7252 Station A
Toronto, ON, M5W 1X9
Attn: Hurricane Katrina Relief.



Sixtina87 said...

In my area we have raise over 90 thousand in 2 days!!!!!!!!! Its unbelieveable!!!!!! I have a group of religious Sisters that live near New Orleans and I foundout liast night that they are okay and that makes me so happy because I was crying in the day at work!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great ideas, S. Anne, and a really challenge to be part of the healing and making whole.

Here's a few more ideas people may want to consider:

- Donate a pint of blood. Contact your local blood bank for information on "how to."

- Start packing up old clothes and shoes. Once things settle done, those who have lost everything will need some basics.

- Keep your eyes and ears on the news and keep our government officials accountable for all the life that depends on us right now.

- Keep an ear on what corporations are doing to help those in most need. And if you notice that a company you do business with has not "stepped up to the plate" yet, contact their corporate office and ask what they plan to do. Sometimes they just need to know that it's something that matters to their customers.

- Here in New Jersey, people who own second homes at the Jersey Shore have begun to make their shore homes available to those who will need extended shelter once evacuated from the Gulf Coast area. Think about how you might be able to make room for the homeless Christs right now.

- Of course, continue to pray!

I am reminded of a statement Pope John Paul II made on his last visit to northern New Jersey. In fact, it was at the Mass at Giant Stadium: "No one is too poor to give nor too rich to receive." That thought resonates within me in the face of this great tragedy for it reminds us that everyone can do something. So much is needed that there is at least one thing a person can find to do within his/her means.
