Monday, September 26, 2005

Digging Out

Mom sent me some pictures of the family home from her cell phone.

Their whole subdivision has begun to dig out, and every home has a wall of carpet, drywall, insulation and fence slats lining the street. Most homes also have a refrigerator outside waiting to be picked up. My brother tells me that insurance does not generally cover major appliances; the damage is presumed to be electrical, not flood related. It is hard to understand how it is not at least "storm related" if the power went out because of wind-damage. But if there's a way out, certainly it's going to be found.

On the plus side, my sister mentioned that just a month before Katrina hit, she had increased her flood insurance, "Just in case the 'big one' comes this year." Providential.
As my parents approached the house, they first passed by their parish church, with all the pews lined up in the parking lot.

Dad said he felt heartsick on going inside, but after speaking with the contractor, he is a bit more upbeat. Their entire first floor looks like a construction site. It IS a construction site! And Mom wants to see about getting the kitchen done, since there are no longer any cabinets. Or sinks. Or appliances.

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