Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Oh, Canada!

Tomorrow we pray for "angels on wings" as I go to Toronto, still working away on my talk. I am not planning to bring my computer, but I will make a CD of just about anything I have ever written on the Founder, to make sure that I will have appropriate material for whomever the audience turns out to be.
I did get some new insights from preparing this material, and that is always exciting. I just wish they had been a bit amplified... as in two hours' worth of new insights! Well, there's always tomorrow! Pentecost was no trouble for the Holy Spirit, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray you have a successful talk, and remember, God is with you, especially when it is for His Glory and the good of all people that you do what you do.

Keep us posted with your trip to Canada. We should be having a visit from one of your sisters who will be talking to us about Movie-Lectionary here in Hawaii.