Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dad update

I'm still in New Orleans, where I have been spending the greater part of each day in Dad's hospital room. Today was a little different: after Mass and my Hour of Adoration, I went to Dad's office to try to locate a box of family files to help make the arrangements for my uncle's funeral. I thought I was looking for a folder, but instead it was a big file box marked in Dad's handwriting, "In caso de muerte." (Dad gets a charge out of keeping up the Spanish he learned in high school.) Dad seems a bit better today, and we had the grace of a long visit with a priest friend who prayed with us and anointed both Mom and Dad. I was there, and so were two of my sisters and my future brother-in-law, so it was a real family experience around the Church's healing ministry. I am learning a lot from all this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Dad seems quite the Character...I guess the apple (you) doesn't fall, etc. Yes, we neglect this powerful sacrament, even in religious communities...I am glad your priest friend anointed your Mom, too. His sacramental theology is right on.I would like to know that priest!
On another my e-mail send me your phone, or is your cell connected "Way Down Younder"? I will be in NO on a matter of fact,I am still looking for a ride to St. Dominic from the airport!